Sunday, October 4, 2020

Summer 2020

Well this was the Hottest Summer on Record ...
in more ways than one!!  Being stuck at home and
the horrible heat has taken it's toll on all of us, but
this is the last week of 100 degree heat!!  So
thankful that we'll be able to be outside again soon!

We spent July 4th at Nelson's to celebrate our "Freedoms"! 
Some pretty patriotic kids!
Aunt Melanie drove here July 8-13th for a lovely visit to
celebrate Tim's 68th birthday July 9th!
We enjoyed just hanging out and relaxing together!
We spent some time at the girls' houses ... 
first time Mel had met any of the kids!
 From July 20-24 we stayed and watched the Nelson
kiddos while Deb and Jonah got away!!
We were brave and had the Mac kids spend a night there!
So much fun to have all 8 together!!!
We had fun playing for a few days - 
sure not used to it - Grammy was pooped!
 Then on Aug 11-12th We had Owen Spend night for his
Birthday!  He's 11!!!  The game 'Clue' was a big hit!
We watched the Mac kids at few Friday evenings, too!
Thankful for each amazing grandchild,
They're growing up sooooo fast!!
I'm continuing down the Rabbit hole...
trying to figure out what is actually going on!  
It just seems like it's waaaaayyyyy 
deeper than we see on the surface!  
Praying for truth to be known and
love to prevail!