Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Awesome August!

Rachel and Clay's 3rd baby was due on August 1st...
We celebrated Owen's 3rd birthday on August 6th...
Beka was home for a week from August 7-15th...
James was home from August 8-14th...
Baby Caden Jude arrived on August 12th!!!
Perfect timing and great times together!
Happy Birthday Owen!!
(Cake and collage made by his mom :)
Fun together two days before baby arrived!
A few hours after he was born!
Adah and Emsley were so excited to meet
their baby brother!!!
Precious growing family!
Many more pics of baby Caden's birth week!
James and Beka were so glad to be here for the big event!
So much love!
Time at Deb's ...
... enjoying their nephews!
 Fun sleep over at Gammie and Paw Paws...
Adah and Emsley loved being monkeys in the tree ...
and playing with "antique" toys!
So blessed with 4 great kids and 5 (what?!?!?!) grandkids!
Many more pics of the fun month!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Coast to Coast in a month!

So the month of June ended up being a month of travels!

James secured a place to live, after making
a couple more trips to LA to check things out! 
June 2nd was move in day!
So Tim, James and I loaded up two cars and drove to LA!
We spent the next 4 days unloading, shopping, assembling
furniture and getting James as settled in as we could!
We enjoyed seeing a bit of the city -
and having some time at the beach
on our way to see Tim's cousin Janice in San Pedro! 
Time to say goodbye!
 Kinda hard to leave our boy all alone
in that great big city but we know
he's right where he's supposed to be!!!

As we were driving back to Phoenix,
I got a call from Tom saying that Dad was failing. 
The next morning the hospice nurse called to say
it was time to come home. 
I spent the next day making flights
 and arrangements for the rest of the month.

On my way to the airport on June 8th,
I got the call that Dad had just died.
What a difficult call that was. 
I had a connecting flight in Vegas and so did Tom -
it just "happened" that we were on the same flight!
What a blessing to be with my brother on that hard trip :(
More about Dad's funeral here ...
It was great to be home with all my family -
difficult and so special at the same time!
Tom and I stayed on at Mom's to help her with things.  I hadn't
spent so much time there for many years and it was such a blessing!
Here are some pics  of  Dad's funeral and two weeks in Ohio.
My plan was to fly to Annette's on the 22nd, but was elected
to drive Dad's car down for Sam.  I had a great trip! I was able 
to have dinner with two high school buddies in Columbus,
then spend the night with Steve and his family in Cincinnati.
I had a beautiful drive to Nashville the next day, until I
got a block away from Annette work.  Dad's car died :(
I prayed it would get me safe to Nashville and it did...
Just should have prayed for a bit more!

Thanks to Annette's friends we got Dad's car to the shop and
proceeded to enjoy our few days together! 
We were both pretty exhausted from a couple busy weeks. 
Saturday morning we were going to relax with our coffee on her deck...
but up drove The Men of Acts,
ready to work on her Memorial Garden.
What a blessing to Annette that these dear guys showed up and
worked so hard.  We finished the smaller garden then next day. 
What a great few days... Wonderful times with my big sis,
yummy things at a Sushi place, relaxing on her
beautiful deck overlooking the woods outside of Franklin, 
going to a FAB concert and dancing like teenagers,  
and meeting her friends at church and hanging out!
Plus ... her house is like a resort!!!  I kinda want to go back!!!

I flew from Nashville to Boston on the 28th. 
 I had had flights to go to Boston about this same time to see Beka,
since her roommate was out of town and she was alone.
Then go on to Nashville and then Ohio for my Dad birthday July 6th.
 Just had to reverse plans and move them up a month...
Wow it's taking a while to tell this story -
but a month is a long time and so much happened!
Beka and I had a great time together - we went to a Red Sox game!
 ... Rode the Swan Boats in the Public Garden!
Rented a car through Relay Rides and made a Costco run!
We had fun cooking and eating a couple meals in her
apartment together and just relaxing - a special time!
While Beka was working I got to hang out with
my dear high school girlfriends!
Mary Pat's mother died 2 days after my dad, so she was in Fremont, too!
I met her in Columbus and mentioned I was going to Boston. 
She was retiring and decided to come, too! 
We had a great time running around the city -
we actually just walked miles!
Our friend, Mary Lynn, lives outside of Boston...so she met us for dinner
one evening, we spent the night at her home,
she drove us to New Hampshire for lunch,
then met Beka and went to a Nora Jones concert at the
Bank of American Pavillion!

I got home on July 2nd .... What a full, inspiring month! 
Many pics tell the month's story pretty well...

Springtime Travels!

Feb, March, and April turned out to be
just the start of a busy travel year!
James was making plans to move to LA
and lined up a meeting with a possible agent,
so we found $25 flights and made the journey. 
What a great trip: The agent wanted to respresent him and
we had a great time just scouting out the land,
deciding that Burbank would be a great place to live.
My dream is always to sit on a beach and just chill -
we had lots of time for that! So fun!

Toward the end of February,
my Dad started having congestive heart failure. 
He spent time in and out of the hospital then ended up
at home with hospice, diagnosed with end stage cardiac...
I made a quick trip to see him, not knowing how long he had to live. 
 It was a short, hard but very sweet trip,
which ended up being the last time I would see my Dad alive.
Dad with his sense of humor wondering if he looked
like Mother Theresa :)
Lisa spent alot of time visiting Dad and one perk was that
we could do face time!

 I'm thrilled that I have Rapid Rewards with Southwest Airlines...
With family all over the country, my points come in very handy!
I got to go see Beka's Conservatory Cabaret peform at the
Massachusetts General Hospital!  What a great group
of kids and what great performers!
These are some video clips of their final performance of
the year for the school.  Beka's friend used her iphone
to take video of her portions of the show...
not the best angles - but this mama was thankful :)
Of course getting to see my baby in Boston in the spring was wonderful!

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Finding out grandbaby #5 is on the way! 
For Christmas, the kids gave me a grandma's necklace with a
birthstone charm for each of my four grandbabies!
The last present of the day was this extra charm...
The announcement that Clay and Rachel were expecting on Aug. 1, 2012!
Sursprised & Happy Gramma!
Both girls preganant at the same time...6 1/2 months apart!

Everett Tait Nelson
born on January 18th!
 Rachel and Clay's two girls...Adah and Emsley!
 Deborah and Jonah's two boys...Owen and Everett!
Each one is so unique, special and precious - so much fun to get to know and love on!
Such a blessed gramma!