Sunday, February 21, 2010

The joys of Grandparent-hood!

What a blessing to have time with our grandbabies! It's hard to call it's more like pure joy-time! We recently had time with Adah at our house and Owen at his, as their parents celebrated Valentines Day! Tim isn't in the pictures...but he's equally thrilled to spend time with these darling little ones! He's the one that gets the camera out and takes all these great shots! Life doesn't get much better than this! Exploring new toys (well, Uncle James and Aunt Beka's old toys!)
Exploring the yard!

Adah was so happy!
Grandma was so happy, too!
Darling little girl didn't want to hold hands any more!
So thrilled to hold two grapefruits we picked!
Quite the face ... grapefruit are pretty sour!
Owen is growing up! Sitting and looking at books!
Camera's are pretty exciting, too!
A perfect place to stand ... with a little help from gramma!
Such a happy little guy!
So proud of his sweet skills!
Grandma and Grandpa had so much fun...we're so blessed!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Christmas 2009!

What a special Christmas celebration we had!
All 10 of us were together and loved every minute of it!
With two little ones in the family...our focus has totally shifted!
We just can't get enough of Adah or Owen...we all adore them!!! Notice who is the focus of all the attention!!!
Three adorable couples!
James and Beka were just trying to fit in...haha!
I can't decide which is more fun...
watching the babies open their gifts or...
watching the parents get excited!
or maybe it's watching the Uncle and Aunt watching everyone else!
Special memories!